Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I have decided to post. Then I noticed that I hadn't posted in forever. Oh well.

I have to say, I've been REALLY busy the past week (and I will be busy the next few days/weeks). Over the weekend, I worked for 18 hours for the goddamn French trip. It was kinda fun, part of it... I spent forever at Hollywood Video with certain people. I sold a total of 4 boxes. So not worth it. I also painted for 12 hours with Sam, Alana and Zoe, which was fun. I think that the trip will actually be a blast, despite the constant complaints that I have about things. You know which things.

Tomorrow might be a snow day (please be a snow day!!), but Thursday it's back to the daily grind... with the added bonus of a French test. Fun (except not). Friday, I'm coming home and packing for a week long ski trip, which will be fun. I'm just kind of grumpy about the fact that I won't get the sleep that I ought to on a vacation. Ah, whatever. It'll still be good.

Life's good, basically. Aside from being dead tired and having loads of Chemistry backwork to do, I don't have anything to complain about... but for some reason, I feel like crap. Maybe it's just the coffee wearing off. Maybe it's the headache that I have from spraying too much cologne in my room to get rid of the dead-mouse smell. Who knows. Who cares.

In the mean time, I think that I'll go make a Facebook, just for something to do. Myspace hates me, Xanga is out, but Facebook might be fun. It won't, but it could... and I'll make it, then forget the password... whatever.

Good night, and good luck. (That's a good movie, by the way).



Mirko said...

The more and more time passes, the less and less of a problem I begin to have with the Trip. (Yes, capitalized to showcase it's godly status.)

It's a matter of understanding the dynamics of the administrators (Therese) and getting used to it.

What's your Facebook?

Lukas: said...

Refer to IM conversation