Saturday, January 20, 2007

Would have been.

This post would have been funny and smart. It would have made you think about what you've just read, and ask intelligent questions about my opinion. It would have, but instead I'm too lazy.


That said: I got a cell phone. I have now officially joined in with the masses of entitled college students and everyone else in the world. Just wondering- what is it that makes it so satisfying to flip it open, closed, open, closed? It's kinda bizarre how much fun it is.

Razr, naturally. Nothing but the best (even if it's not the best by everyone's standards). In my opinion, aesthetic value, followed by functions and ease of use, are the most important thing. If you've got a butt-ugly phone that can do anything in the world, I'd say 'no'. If you have a sexy phone that does nothing... I'd consider it. As it is, the razr is nice because it's actually not bad.

I'm off to do a few more flips before doing anything else. Ta!



Mirko said...

You can always ghettoize an ugly phone, though, and make it a work of art. I did that to the old tracfone we had before. I'd be scared to do that to a razr.

Lukas: said...

Once it got all scratched up and covered in nast, I can see ghettoizing it. Wow, my spell checker is telling me that 'ghettoize' is a word... who knew.

Mirko said...

Haha, same here. I actually don't object to the razr, don't get me wrong. I'd just be a little protective about keeping it pretty.