Monday, February 26, 2007
Here's a story
About a little guy that lives in a blue world
And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue
Like him, inside and outside
Blue his house with a blue little window
And a blue corvette
And everything is blue for him and his self
And everybody around
'Cause he ain't got nobody to listen...
-Eiffel 65, I'm Blue (Da Ba Dee)
This is just about the most awesome song in the world- not just because it's (irritatingly) catchy, but because the first verse is easily the most amazing thing in the world. Maybe you just have to listen to it...
Being back in school is a mixed blessing... I get to see friends, but I also have shitloads of homework already due for tomorrow. Sadness. Except that it's not hard and I'm just complaining for the hell of it.
Later, all.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
There is no color.
The walls are gray. Dark shadows chase across the ceiling. A wide window gives the only light. I walk forward to the window. It’s bright, and my eyes take time to adjust.
It’s silent.
There is a faint sound of whistling wind. Eddies of dust chase themselves across the road. I listen to the stillness as I look at everything but her.
If I look at her, she dies.
I’m starved for color. Seconds pass. Lifetimes pass.
Still the wind whistles, the dust blows. I’m aching for sound.
I look.
Red satin, warm amber skin and soft brown hair lying in beautiful aliveness
on the colorless ground.
A shot cracks out, blindingly white and deafeningly loud. I close my eyes, cover my ears. When I look again, she’s still and silent and colorless.
And I’ve killed her.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I have to say, I've been REALLY busy the past week (and I will be busy the next few days/weeks). Over the weekend, I worked for 18 hours for the goddamn French trip. It was kinda fun, part of it... I spent forever at Hollywood Video with certain people. I sold a total of 4 boxes. So not worth it. I also painted for 12 hours with Sam, Alana and Zoe, which was fun. I think that the trip will actually be a blast, despite the constant complaints that I have about things. You know which things.
Tomorrow might be a snow day (please be a snow day!!), but Thursday it's back to the daily grind... with the added bonus of a French test. Fun (except not). Friday, I'm coming home and packing for a week long ski trip, which will be fun. I'm just kind of grumpy about the fact that I won't get the sleep that I ought to on a vacation. Ah, whatever. It'll still be good.
Life's good, basically. Aside from being dead tired and having loads of Chemistry backwork to do, I don't have anything to complain about... but for some reason, I feel like crap. Maybe it's just the coffee wearing off. Maybe it's the headache that I have from spraying too much cologne in my room to get rid of the dead-mouse smell. Who knows. Who cares.
In the mean time, I think that I'll go make a Facebook, just for something to do. Myspace hates me, Xanga is out, but Facebook might be fun. It won't, but it could... and I'll make it, then forget the password... whatever.
Good night, and good luck. (That's a good movie, by the way).